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Hola Miltyadict@s¡¡

Como lo prometido es deuda, os dejo mi ejercicio del Curso de Novela Romántica sobre atracciones imposibles: LLegaste a mí para quedarte. Espero que os guste. Buen otoño¡¡¡¡¡¡

Since the promised is a debt, I leave you my exercise of the Course of Romantic Novel on impossible attractions: You came to me to remain. I hope that you like. Good autumn ¡


Mandy se atusó el pelo frente al espejo. En la soledad que ese día había sido tan difícil de conseguir, se puso inquieta las manos sobre el rostro, intentando no dejar huella en el maquillaje, maldiciendo su suerte. Respiró hondo y estiró la seda blanco roto del espectacular vestido de novia. Su corazón latía con fuerza sintiéndose confusa.


Mandy trimmed the hair opposite to the mirror. In the loneliness that this day had been so difficult to obtain, she puts anxious on the hands on the face, trying not to leave fingerprint in the makeup, cursing her luck. She breathed depth and stretched the sedated by torn white of the spectacular wedding dress. Her heart beats strongly feeling confused.

Iba a ser el día más feliz de su vida. Era un momento que había soñado vivir con quien la había acompañado en los últimos ocho años. Todo eso se había desmoronado cuando entraron aquellos ojos azules desafiantes que parecían distribuir el cosmos a su gusto y que revolvieron sus entrañas dormidas. El hombre que había puesto su mundo boca abajo, sería quien oficiaría su boda.

It was going to be the happiest day of her life. It was a moment that had dreamed to live on whom he had accompanied her in the last eight years. All that had crumbled when they entered those blue challenging eyes that seemed to distribute the cosmos to his taste and that returned his slept entrails. The man who had put his world mouth below, would be the one who would inform his wedding.

Dos veces sus miradas se cruzaron con intensidad e indiscretamente en la oficina del Registro y el Oficiante experimentó una energía tan potente que no pudo evitar fantasear durante los días siguientes a su encuentro con aquella preciosa mujer, futura esposa de un varón afortunado. Se había metido en su cabeza de tal modo que volver a contemplarla le estaba creando ansiedad. Recordaba su boca perfecta, que besaría sin remordimientos; sus mejillas rosadas que acariciaría; su cuello proporcionado que adivinaba perfumado; y aquella piel que irradiaba sensualidad.

Two times their looks crossed with intensity and indiscreetly in the office of the Record and the Officiant experienced an energy so powerful that it could not avoid daydream during the days following his meeting with that precious woman, future wife of a lucky male. It had got into his head in such a way that to return to contemplate it was creating anxiety. He reminded her perfect mouth, which it would kiss without remorses; her pink cheeks that it would caress; her proportionate neck that was guessing perfumed; and that skin that was radiating sensuality.

Los pasos del Oficiante se debatían por el jardín del Registro entre la osadía y el temor. Con respiración entrecortada revisaba los últimos datos que quedaban para celebrar aquella unión que le haría descender a los infiernos. Se aflojaba la corbata tratando de imponer serenidad en sus movimientos y luchando contra sus deseos de tomar a aquella desconocida entre sus brazos y descubrir sus sentimientos.

The steps of the Officiant were debated by the garden of the Record between the audacity and the dread. With hesitating breathing he was checking the last information that were staying to celebrate that union that him would make descend to the hells. The tie was coming loose trying to impose serenity in his movements and fighting against his desires to take those stranger between his arms and to discover his feelings.

Mandy buscaba apoyo en sus recuerdos felices junto a su novio, en el cariño recogido y en el ideal de futuras jornadas compartidas, pero de pronto la sensación de sentirse atravesada por una mirada añil y la necesidad de dejarse arrastrar por aquella sed amorosa impedía cualquier intento de calmarse. Resopló de nuevo y cuando su dama de honor entró en la pequeña habitación, su ánimo se derrumbó.

Mandy was looking for support in her happy recollections together with her boyfriend, in the quiet fondness and in the ideal one of future shared days, but suddenly the sensation of feeling crossed by a look indigo and the need of be left to drag for that loving thirst was preventing any attempt of calming down. It breathed heavily again and when her bridesmaid entered the small room, her spirit was ruined.

El Oficiante cerró los ojos y sintió que un fuerte dolor de cabeza se adueñaba de él, azuzado además por los truenos que en el exterior anunciaban una tormenta de verano. Otra vez en su mente apareció, el pelo y la figura voluptuosa de ella que invitaban a gozar de los sentidos hasta caer extenuados. Mandy salió al exterior buscando primero el aroma a hierba mojada que rodeaba el edificio, tratando de encontrar respuestas o soluciones a su difícil momento vital y después dejando que las gotas de lluvia liberaran sus pensamientos y estropearan el trabajo de peluqueras y maquilladoras. Imploró desesperada una respuesta.

The Officiant closed the eyes and felt that a strong headache was taking possession of him, incited in addition by the thunders that in the exterior were announcing a summer storm. Again in his mind it appeared, the hair and the voluptuous figure of she that they were inviting to enjoy the senses up to falling down debilitated. Mandy went out on the outside looking first for the aroma to wet grass that was surrounding the building, trying to find answers or solutions to her difficult vital moment and later allowing that the drops of rain should liberate her thoughts and were spoiling the work of hairdressers and makeup artists. She implored driven to despair a response.

El Oficiante se maravilló ante la escena de la que fue testigo: la mujer que deseaba irracionalmente paseaba bajo el chaparrón como una diosa.

Mandy sintió cómo su cuerpo vibraba cuando el Oficiante dirigía sus pupilas del color del mar hacia ella. No hizo falta más que sus bocas se unieran en un matrimonio secreto para entender que el amor les había sorprendido y no iba a escaparse.

The Officiant astonished before the scene the one that was a witness: the woman who was wishing irrationally was walking under the soaker as a goddess.
Mandy felt how her body was vibrating when the Officiant was directing his pupils of the color of the sea to her. It did not need any more than his mouths they were joining in a secret marriage to understand that they had surprised and were going the love to escape.


  1. Primero llegó el texto y luego su banda sonora. Os invito a que la música os acompañe en su lectura:
    Too afraid to love you, de un grupo que acabo de conocer, The Black Keys, pero que llegaron para quedarse =)


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